Sunday, January 1, 2017

Interpret the quote...

be sure to back up your ideas with evidence from the film Apocalypto


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  3. I believe the quote means that people inside the Aztec civilization were traitors and helped get rid of their own civilization. Without these traitors the Aztec might have had a fighting chance against the Spanish.

  4. this quote states to the idea that a civilization with internal conflict will perish in war but a civilization with a strong bond and respect can fight another day. in the move apocalypto the Mayan society was falling apart and looking for help from the gods by giving in sacrifices and only one man was able to take down part of an army.

  5. A great civilization can't have no conflict and has to be within everyone. I believe this quote means that they will fail and fall if there is conflict within the unity.

  6. i think this quote means that a civilization can't be conquered from the outside but it can be conquered from the inside

  7. I believe the quote means if a civilization does not have strong, enduring fundamentals within its self it can not stand an attack from the outside thus leading to the fall of an empire.

  8. I believe the quote means that the civilization was destroyed because the mayans were already fighting each other before the spanish got there. So the spanish just took advantage

  9. I believe the society arent ready to fight because they are already facing their own problems. They have a civil war going on in their community and the spanish are coming in while this is going on.

  10. I think the quote is basically saying that if a civilization has destroyed itself, it'll be easier for other civilizations to take over them.

  11. I believe the quote is like an analogy to a person's life. For example if a person is weakened from drugs or alcohol they would become vulnerable to outsiders able to hurt them or take advantage of them. However, if they are strong from within, nobody will be able to conquer or destroy them.

  12. I believe that this quote means that when a society has internal political or economic problems the society could easily fall apart. This could lead for other powerful groups to conquer them

  13. i think this quote means that the great civilization cant be beat but it can by destroying themselves

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  15. I believe that this quote is saying that the reason why a civilization collapse is because they would destroy with one another before any outsiders destroying or whom ever else.

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  17. I believe this quote means that a society is very easy to collapse once they are having problems within their community for example when someone has a very low self esteem it would be easier for them to have a breakdown.

  18. I think this quote means that a society with a weak unity will not be able to establish much strength between one another, but a society with a strong bond will be able to remain strong. For example the feudal kingdoms of japan were weak because they were divided but when they unified they became powerful and strong.

  19. i think this quote means if a civilization that holds power arent on good terms with them selves and certain classes of people are in disagreement they will become weak allowing other forces to take advantage and over take them you can see this in the feudal kingdoms of japan they were to busy fighting each other the western forces were able to overtake them and bring them under one government

  20. i believe this quote means that a great society needs to collapse first and then see reality

  21. i think this quote means that if your civilization can be conquered not only from without but also from within. like how the mayans they were fighting each other, if you are fighting each other how are you going to come together to fight your traitors? they were weak So it was easy for the Spanish to go in and invaded.

  22. This quote symbolizes one of the dysfunction or consequence of a society when it's not unified. In the situation of the Mayans, long before the Spaniards came to conquer them, they were already dis-unified. They were separated into different types of tribes and city-states. Each of them were already in constant warfare with the other. Some of them such as the Mayans suffered economical problems such as drought and crop failure. They were already destroying themselves from within. Once the Spaniards came, they were still relying on primitive tools and methods. This made it possible for the Spaniards to easily conquer the Mayans. This quote ultimately tries to tell us that no matter how strong a civilization is, when it is destroyed from within, it will inevitably be destroyed.

  23. I think this quote means that outsides can't destroy a great society until the society has destroyed themselves. For example, in the movie Apocalypto on there way to the temple you seen that there was people sick there were slaves without certain clothing and you also see that the higher class wasn't treated equally among the lower class and this was also a time of warfare among each other this caused social and economic problems because of these weaknesses the Mayan were vulnerable to collapse or invasion.

  24. I believe this quote means that a great society would need to collapse first internally before outsiders could invade and destroy them. For example, in the movie"Apocalypto" it shows at the end the mayan werent ready outsiders had arrived.

  25. i think that this quote means that no intruders can destroy a great civilization until the civilization starts to destroy themselves so they get weaker.For example when the Mayans were fighting against each other killing one another so there populations were getting low so when the outsiders were coming to there land they had an advantage to take over because the Mayans were killing each other instead of working together.

  26. I think this quote means that if you are united you wont get conquered, but if you start attacking your own people you'll get weaker and it would be easier for others to conquer you. For example, the Mayans were a powerful civilization but once they started to attack their own people, they became weaker which made them vulnerable to conquest by others. This would of been an example of imperialism

  27. In my opinion,what this quote is trying to say is that a civilization cannot be conquered from the outside unless it is weak from within. If the civilization was united and all coexisted peacefully without trying to conquer each other they would be stronger and larger in number as far as defensive circumstances. If the Mayan Ruler in Apocalypto did not destroy the other villages, killing the mothers and children and taking the men hostage for labor on his side of the land, some for sacrificial offerings to their god,The sun god who'd they believe would remove the plague from their land if they sacrificed enough people then the population of the civilization would have been twice maybe three times more than what it was. In that case they could have united and worked as one nation to defend their land against outsiders. They could not defend themselves because they were too focused on fighting each other rather than working together preparing for a real enemy which made them vulnerable and easy to be conquered.

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  29. I believe this quote is very meaningful and it makes alot of sense because think about it, a civilization is supposed to be strong and united so they don't break apart. if you have traitors or people in your civilization that arent united then that civilization falls apart while another civilization can sneak right in and take over

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  31. This quote means that a strong civilization cannot be conquered, only a civilization that has already weakened itself can be conquered.A decentralized civilization that lacks unification has no chance in surviving an attack from outsiders.

  32. I believe this quote is very meaningful because think about it, a civilization is supposed to be strong and united so they don't break apart. If you have traitors or people in your civilization that aren't united, then that civilization falls apart while another civilization can sneak right in and take over. For example when Fidel Castro took over his own government .

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  34. I interpret this quote to mean that a kingdom or civilization can not be conquered unless it is weak within. For for example Japan, if they weren't decentralized and in constant feudalism other countries wouldn't have been viewed as a weak country and they would have not created a war.

  35. I think this quote means that if you give up on your people and everybody is not working as a united civilization or people they will become weak and not be able to function properly politically or economically. For example, the feudal kingdoms of old japan wasn't working together with the new nationalist government so the feudal lords got destroyed after a while.

  36. i believe this quote means , a civilizatlion can have a strong military but its society has decayed. If the civil populus is weak they will panic and surrender.

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  38. i believe this quote means their lands was at a great time but within their people they was corrupted.The buildings was well made their cites flourish but their people was dying due to a sickness from corpses laying around bad sewage also the limestone made them cough up blood making them weak to build.

  39. This quote means in order to change anything you have to get rid of the problem. In order for a civilization to grow and stay together as one everybody has to agree on what they want listening to each others opinions. for example instead when the mayans started fighting each other they should of been working on building them selves for the threat.

  40. I believe that this quote is meaningful because a civilization is a big group as a whole and government is strong so the only way in my opinion for a civilization to be conquered is if they are weak from within. For example, Czar Nicholas's people were angry at him so they wanted to overthrow him and because of that the entire civilization came to ruins.They weren't happy with how he he was governing Russia so they got tired of it and decided to riot against him and the Russian government.

  41. I think this quote means the weaker a civilization is the easier it would be to imperialize because thye are focused on the internal issues within the civilzation and not the outer threats. -katelynn pena

  42. " A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." I think this quote is trying to say that if a civilization stays united it wont have a way for an enemy to come and try to destroy it nor will they come to take over. Example if there is a big gap on a wall it'll be easier to take it down ; unless its a firm , strong , and slim wall ,nothing will manage to find a way in. Same goes for any civilization ; if there are economic , social or any time of problem going on they will eventually destroy themselves first opening a way for any enemy to come in and take over. If there is unity and peace among themselves there wont be a way for any enemy to find a way in.

  43. What this quote means to me is that a civilization can only be conquered by someone else when they have lost their trust and friendship within the civilization for example two members of the same clan arguing and fighting with one another.By that happening they all start to turn on each other and it makes it easier for the enemy to come in and win.

  44. I think this means that in order for a civilization to truly become successful they need to broken down. Also when a nation fights against each other they are at a very vulnerable stage where it allows enemies to come in and attack/take over the civilization.
