Wednesday, February 1, 2017


                                   A Peninsulare Posing 

    What do you think ?  Why did the Criollos Class come to despise the Peninsulare Class in colonial Latin America?


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  3. The Criollos are probably mad at the Peninsulares because they are coming to take all of their jobs and homes, even land. The Criollos are having kids and are getting their jobs taken away from them which makes it very hard to maintain them. This might lead to a war because sooner or later they have to stand up for themselves. The Criollos probably have no weapons which will make it even harder to win. The Peninsulares had more jobs, trade and more resources which made them a higher class than the Criollos

  4. The Criollos class came to despise the Penninsulare class in colonial Latin America because the Peninsulares had more economic access, such as jobs, trade, and more resources. Also the Peninuslares were respected more than the Criollos class because they were born in Spain and had noble status.

  5. i believe that the criollos class came to despise the Peninsulare class because they were taking all the jobs and benefits and the criollos were upset because they were being treated differently and they wanted to take out the king

  6. The Criollos class didn't like the fact that the Peninsulare class were a lot higher in social status than them and had more respect. The Peninsulare's had access to more jobs and trading opportunities. This left the Criollos class very upset, and ready to rebel

  7. i highly feel the criollos came to despise the peninsulare's because they were fed up with the fact that the peninsulare's had better jobs and they wouldn't allow them to trade with anyone else but spain.

  8. the Criollo class didn't like that the peninsulare class were arrogant and had expensive clothing meaning they were a higher social class

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  10. The Creoles became fed up with the Peninsulares since favoritism of the Spanish crown became obvious. The Creoles were treated as second class citizens and many moved away for a better life, just to get treated the same in the motherland. Apart from treatment the Creoles also were over looked by jobs often in preference to hire Peninsulares.

  11. The Criollo's class despise the Peninsulares class, Peninsulares had a noble class status since they were born in Spain they also were treated higher and had better job and a great income due to this way of been different treated Criollo's were in a very difficult situations and frustration.

  12. The Creoles despised the Peninsulares due to the fact that the creoles had low status in society especially in New Spain. They basically envied the Peninsulares. The Creoles didn't have any say as to how their colonial society worked. Creoles had less influence and power than the Peninsulares especially in governmental projects or jobs. The Peninsulares tried to limit the power of the Creoles class within the society.

  13. The Creoles didn't like the fact that Peninsulares were higher in social status than them and didn't treat them the same.The Peninsulares had access to better jobs and trading opportunities. making the creoles tired of this treatment causing them to eventually rebel.

  14. The Criollos Class were very upset at the Peninsulares because when they stepped on the land the Peninsulares got special treatment became noble as soon as they arrived they got wealthy through time and got more opportunities without working hard for it.This made the Criollos very upset at the Peninsulares and cause them to eventually rebel.

  15. The Creoles despised the Peninsulares due to the fact that the creoles had low status in society especially in New Spain.The Peninsulare's had access to more jobs and trading opportunities.

  16. The Creoles came to despise Peninsulare because king Charles the third gave the Penisulares power over them and used them to stop the Creoles from using free trade and treated them as second class citizens

  17. I think the most serious problem facing 18th century was that the poor were taxed high for land and their own produce. There were children that were wearing old rags i am assuming that the parents couldn't even afford clothes. The poor people didn't even have enough to pay for bread after the price was risen. According to the image the poor were in the bottom chained bleeding from his knees while the king nobles and pope were sitting on the top. This just proves that the high level people took advantage with the poor by rising there food making them pay high taxes and, even not having enough to by there own kids new clothes so they had to have old rags on.
