Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Considering today's discussions and analysis what do you think was the most serious issue facing 18th century French society?  Provide evidence to support your response 



  1. I think the worst issue faced by the French society was the miss treatment on the 3rd estate by the 1st and 2nd estate. Also the fact that the 3rd estate was mad up of 97% of the population made this a very dangerous miss treatment since a lot of people can over throw the current government. The 3rd estate was suffering from starvation and debt by giving everything they had to the 1st and 2nd estate.

    1. good point...what type of mistreatment did you discover in your analysis? Return to document and cite evidence....according to {add title or author} the.... etc.... adding evidence to support your claim adds much more power to the point you are making... typo's >>> mistreatment, made,

    2. Also see first line..... I think the worst issue faced.... change to worse....

    3. I think the worse issue faced by the French society was the miss treatment on the 3rd estate by the 1st and 2nd estate. Also the fact that the 3rd estate was mad up of 97% of the population made this a very dangerous miss treatment since a lot of people can over throw the current government. The 3rd estate was suffering from starvation and debt by giving everything they had to the 1st and 2nd estate. According to the article the 1st and 2nd estate made the price of bread inflate causing the people to riot bakeries and end up revolting against the king

  2. the french was violating the 3rd estate because the first two estates were abusing them. For example they were lacking money and the bread was to expensive for them to buy so they were starving

    1. lets clean this up... you are making some valid points but...
      The French Monarchy was violating... who was lacking money & starving?

      Also - Need to cite evidence from your document in the packet... According to the document the author states....

    2. the french was violating the 3rd estate because the first two estates were abusing them. For example they were lacking money and the bread was to expensive for them to buy so they were starving. According to Arther Young "The poor people seem very poor indeed. The children are terribly ragged. June 10, 1789: The lack of bread is terrible.

  3. The French society was broken in to a social hierarchy which was 3 estates. Priests, Nobles, and Peasants. The peasants included lawyers doctors and craftsman. The problem here was that the peasants didn`t agree with this law because once you were born, you were born in an estate where you stayed for the rest of your life. There was no possible way to work your way up and most of the money peasants made went straight to the king.

    1. good points...
      what you say here is... The 3rd Estate included lawyers, doctors, craftsman, and farmers..... the 3rd Estate didn't agree with the socio-political structure

    2. also refer back to the text document to add evidence that supports your claim...... enter evidence with > According to ___________________ [author's name]

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I believe the most serious issue facing 18th century France was the fact that French society was broken into a social hierarchy which was based on inequality. The 3rd Estate, which was the lowest class consisted of the peasants, lawyers, doctors and craftsman; meaning everyone that was not a noble. The problem here was that the 3rd Estate didn't agree with this system because once a person was born into it they were stuck in that status for the rest of their lives. There was very limited chances to move up in this socio-political system. The 3rd estate was represented as slaves in the political cartoon,the reason I say this is because the 3rd estate had shackles and chains tied on their legs with a rope around their neck. The nobles and priest are on top of them, showing that they own the 3rd estate. According to Arthur Young the lack of bread was terrible and there were many poor people. This information demonstrates the people are so frustrated and desperate they would most likely be willing to fight for their needs and the lack of bread.

  4. the king put everyone in the 3rd estate and the peasants didnt think that was fair

    1. Jordi, you need to expand on your thoughts here... The King didn't put everyone in the 3rd Estate that was the system started hundreds of years ago. The 3rd Estate consists of not just peasants but anyone who did not hold a noble status such as duke, baron, or prince. The system was based on hereditary rights or what is know as birthrights... Also add a piece of evidence from your document to support how the 3rd Estate was treated or doing right before the Revolution

    2. Also start your blog comment with .... I believe or think the most serious issue facing 18th century France was that the socio-political systems was structured to give a very small part of the population immense power. Then describe the 3rd estates predicament by referring to the political cartoon and adding evidence from text document also ....

    3. I believe the most serious issue facing 18th century France was that the socio-political systems was structured to give a very small part of the population immense power. In the political cartoon they are making it seem like if the 3rd estate are being treated like slaves.The price of of bread has risen above peoples ability to pay.That causes great misery.People that own land are taxed heavily.

  5. For example i believe the king mistreated the peasants and making them pay for taxes when everyone else didn't

    1. need some specifics here....where is your evidence for mistreatment? go back to your document.... and write...according to the document the author witnessed....

    2. Also start your paragraph by restating the original question along with I believe or I think.... example I believe the most serious issue facing 18th century France was....

  6. According to this image I think the most u=important issue that was being faced in the 18th century was that people with professions and educational degrees were being treated like peasants. While the only people who had power were nobles, priests, and the king and whoever else was blood related to them. The nobles were taxed very little while the lower class were taxed an amount beyond their ability to pay.

    1. you made some good points....just a few suggestions...

      According to the way in which the French social system was designed people that were considered professionals and having academic degrees.... While 97% of the population lacked social and political power the 3% noble class, clergy, and King had immense power and wealth.

    2. EDIT >> the most important or serious issue FACING 18th century France was ....
      Also it looks like you referred to the text document.... Add according to ______________________ {eye witness/author} "the nobles were taxed... use quotation marks to indicate citation of quote....

  7. the 3rd estate was basically carrying the other two estates.the first two estates didnt hjave to do much considering the fact that the 3rd estates did everything. they lacked of bread and that being so the price of bread started to be expensive. the 3rd estate couldn't afford it.

    1. i agree with your idea. its ridiculous that only 3% of the french society can afford bread.

    2. need to edit Lydia...you are making a good point but remember not to publish until you have checked your blog comments over for grammar and spelling. Also add evidence from the text document... According to ___________________ [author's name] ....

    3. When starting out your response open with I think the most serious issue facing 18th century France was the fact that the 3rd Estate was basically carrying the other two estates. The political cartoon demonstrates the upper Estates didnt' have to ..

    4. the 3rd estate was basically carrying the other two estates.the first two estates didnt have to do much considering the fact that the 3rd estates did everything. they lacked of bread and that being so the price of bread started to be expensive. the 3rd estate couldn't afford it.The 3rd estate was everyone basically without a royal title. It's not right at all. on that note just hold me down with a 70.

  8. I believe the most serious issue facing 18th century french society was that their society had all peasants,doctors, lawyers and other occupations in the same lower class. They were the only ones who had to pay taxes and where mistreated by the upper classes. This was a major problem for French society

    1. Good points made.... please cite evidence from your document to support your ideas and claims... According to ....

    2. entering evidence from documents....>>> According to the political cartoon the 3rd Estate.... or According to the document titled____________________ or According to the author ______________________

    3. I believe the most serious issue facing 18th century french society was that their society had all peasants,doctors, lawyers and other occupations in the same lower class. They were the only ones who had to pay taxes and where mistreated by the upper classes. This was a major problem for French society. The cartoon shows how the 3rd estate was being treated, like animals. As you can see the man in the image that is representing the 3rd estate is chained up and on his knees,and the king is riding on top of him as if was a horse.
      Also an 18th century eyewitness named Arthur Young reported that the children are terribly ragged. Also that they lack of bread, and the price of bread has highly risen. This shows that the lives of the people in the 3rd Estate were often time horrific not knowing if they were going to eat or starve.

  9. i think the big issue that faced the french society is that there was only a small group that was in power and everyone else had was considered low class and they were the ones that were carrying the other estates making them more rich and powerful. According to the document the 3rd estate were paying more taxes for land than the nobles and cost for food kept increasing making it impossible for them to eat

    1. that faced 18th century French society was that [past tense]... everyone else was considered low class. [period] The 3rd Estate was every one in French society that did not have noble birthright or belong to the Church. This Estate or class made up 97% of 18th century French society and they paid all of the taxes while the nobility and clergy paid little to no taxes. [then continue with your evidence entry....

    2. good entry of evidence - just modify >>

      .... you wrote According to the document ....

      change to According to _____________________ [add author/eye witness name] the 3rd Estate....

  10. I think one major issue in 18th century society is 98 percent of the people were in a very poor and disrespected class they were not treated with respect by the upper classed like the church and the nobles according to the document the children were terribly ragged bread was so much they couldn't afford it

    1. EDITS > one major issue faced by 18th century French society WAS that 97% of the people were lacking in social and political power. [not all of groups in the 3rd Estate were poor >> think about the lawyers, doctors, craftsman, and businessmen of the 3rd Estate ** New sentence about respect.... refer to the political cartoon... According to the political cartoon the people who made up the 3rd Estate were very disrespected and put under great hardship. The image shows the 3rd Estate represented as a chained animal who had the burden of carrying the upper classes on their backs. Furthermore the journal written by ___________________________ stated [add info from text doc]

    2. I think one major issue in 18th century was society is 97% percent of the people were in the 3rd Esate and were in a very poor and disrespected situation. They were not treated with respect by the upper classes such a the church and the nobles. According to the eye witness account by Arthur Young the children were terribly ragged and there was a lack of bread since people couldn't afford it.

  11. I believe the most serious problem facing the 18th century France was the advantage the first and second estate took of the 3rd estate.For example 97% of the their population was the 3rd estate but they were poor but being taxed heavily compared to the second estate,also the 1st estate did not get taxed.Then the bread was overpriced because that is what most poor people buy to feed their families so the 1st & 2nd estate could make more money off the 3rd estate.The document I analyzed really demonstrated how cruel and sick the 3rd estate was being treated.

    1. they were poor and also were taxed heavily compared to the upper Estates or classes. Furthermore, the 1st and 2nd Estates did not get taxed. Adding to these hardships was the fact that bread was extremely overpriced and the poorer classes relied on bread to survive and feed their families. According to the document the author stated ....


  12. I think the most serious problem facing 18th century french was that the 3rd estate was basically the lower class from the Church,Nobles. As in the picture u can see how the lower class (poor) is holding up the wealthier people helping and making them richer and they didn't think this was fair they felt like everyone needed to be treated freely but money said otherwise.

    1. was basically inferior to the upper Estates made up of the nobility and Clergy. According to the image...... This political cartoon demonstrates the severe inequality that existed in 18th century French society. [cite some evidence from the text document to give examples of the hardships experienced by the 3rd estate. - - - According to the document....

  13. I think the biggest issue that the French society went through was the discrimination/mistreatment against the 3rd estate by the 1st and 2nd estate. According the image that was giving to us, in the picture it showed a man from the first estate chained to the ground with a rope in his mouth that is being yanked. on top of the man from the 1st estate were two people from the 2nd and 3rd estate with the rope that is being yanked in their hand.

    1. edit.... According to the political cartoon the 3rd Estate was suffering badly since a man representing the 3rd Estate is chained to ground.... On top of this man were 3 people who represented the 3rd Estate's abusers which were the King, nobles, and Church. The political cartoon clearly shows this upper class of men yanking on a rope that is shoved into the man representing the 3rd Estate as if he was some type of an animal. This demonstrates.....

    2. good use of political cartoon as evidence... just add one quote from the eye witness account document to complete your blog entry..... use.... According to _____________________ [add author's name] <

    3. I think the biggest issue that the French society went through was the discrimination/mistreatment against the 3rd estate by the 1st and 2nd estate. According the image that was giving to us, in the picture it showed a man from the first estate chained to the ground with a rope in his mouth that is being yanked. on top of the man from the 1st estate were two people from the 2nd and 3rd estate with the rope that is being yanked in their hand. According to an eye witness, Arthur Young in his writing he mentioned "The price of bread has risen above people's ability to pay.". This caused great misery.

  14. I believe the most serious problem facing the 18th century French society was that people with professional jobs and an education were being put with the 3rd estate which included anyone that wasn't a noble or worked with the church. For example in the image above it shows that the king the priest and the nobles were on top of the peasants and the 3rd estate. it also shows that people in the 3rd estate were being mistreated by the upper classes. This is a problem because situations like this may cause a rebellion.

    1. good post... Last line > add/edit > This was a problem [past tense] because this situation of severe inequality led to the French Revolution.

      Also look over your packet document add evidence to support your argument.... START WITH > According to eye witness accounts by ______________ [the author] the.....

    2. excellent start...you followed appropriate topic sentence entry.... very clear

  15. The most serious issue in the French society during the 18th century was how they treated the lower classes such as the peasants. In the picture it showed how the 3rd Estate was treated, the higher classes basically treated them as tied animals whose movements are closely restricted, that they were only good for earning them money. In the reading it really showed how the lower classes were treated they were HEAVILY TAXED more than the nobles, these taxes caused their lives to be miserable. the taxes caused their expenses to be increased resulting for their money to basically return to the government. This treatment of the lower classes would surely retaliate in the near future towards the French Government.

    1. The most serious issue in [delete the] French society during the 18th century was how they [who?} treated the lower classes such as the peasants. In the picture it showed >> [The political cartoon demonstrates] how the 3rd Estate was treated [depicting] the higher classes basically treated them as tied animals whose movements are closely restricted, [period] that {The population that made up the 3rd Estate} were only good for [used to earn the upper classes} money. In the reading it really showed how the lower classes were treated they were HEAVILY TAXED more than the nobles, these taxes caused their lives to be miserable. {when citing a quote use quotation marks} [period] The {excessive] taxes caused their expenses to be increased resulting for their money [resulting in the 3rd Estates hard earned money to basically [be] return[ed] to the government. This treatment of the lower classes would surely [lead to retaliation] retaliate in the near future towards the French Government [monarchy]

  16. The French society's serious issue was the with the tiny three percent of the population being categorized in the 1st and 2nd estate, while 97 percent from put in the working class,the 3rd estate. Leaving majority of the population discontent.

    1. EDITS >> Start blog response with 18th century France faced some serious issues. For example, only a minority 3% of the upper classes had the totality of privileges, power, and wealth while the majority 97% were excluded from these social, economic and political benefits.

      Explain who the 97% were. This "3rd Estate" was any individual who was not born in to nobility or was part of the upper clergy of the Catholic Church. These people did not hold noble titles which is gained through birth.
      Leaving the majority of the population in what type of situation? Think limited access to employment in government offices, highly taxed, and unable to gain justice due to abuse of government power. Abuse of government power would entail> arrest and imprisonment without due process of law, loss of employment or businesses for speaking out against the nobility, king, or Church clergy.

      Add one quote from your document where appropriate for added support of your claim. > According to the eye witness account of ______________________ it was reported that .....


  17. I believe the most serious problem was the miss treatment on the 3rd estate by the 1st and 2nd estate. For example on document one it said "lands held by the nobility are taxed very little. lands held by the commoners are taxed heavily".

    1. edit > mistreatment is one word * For example IN document one it states..... {good use of quote] -
      Now state something about the great quote you cited... This information demonstrates that.....

    2. Also refer to the political cartoon when discussing the mistreatment of the 3rd Estate.... >>> According the political cartoon the 3rd Estate is shown as......[describe with details to emphasize your point]

    3. I believe the most serious problem was the mistreatment on the 3rd estate by the 1st and 2nd estate. For example in document one it states "lands held by the nobility are taxed very little. lands held by the commoners are taxed heavily".This information demonstrates the severe inequality of the 1st estate and 2nd estate to the 3rd estate. This inequality is also shown in the political cartoon. According to the image the 3rd estate is chained up and blindfolded which shows the lack of power the people from the 3rd estate had.

  18. I think the most serious issue facing the 18th century french society was their governing system. The 3rd estate was everyone who wasn't apart of the clergy or nobility. It was unfair that nobles and the clergy got to make the rules and be wealthy because of their bloodline when they've done nothing to earn their titles or be put in charge. The 3rd estate was also treated very poorly and unfair. Which is why they eventually united, rebelled and demanded the respect the deserve!

    1. Edit - last line > and demanded the respect they deserved!

      return to document & add a quote to support your argument... According to_________________ an eye witness living during the 18th century .....

    2. Also at bottom when you mentioned how the 3rd Estate was treated refer to the political cartoon as evidence. >>> According to the political cartoon the 3rd Estate was represented as ___________________________ [describe what you noticed. THEN... This demonstrates that....

  19. the 3rd estate by the 1st and 2nd estate. Also the fact that the 3rd estate was mad up of 97% of the population made this a very dangerous miss treatment since a lot of people can over throw the current government. The 3rd estate was suffering from starvation and debt by giving everything they had to the 1st and 2nd estate.

    1. EDIT - I believe the most serious problem facing 18th century France was the social structure designed to control the majority of the population.

      EDIT - 3rd Estate was made up of... mistreatment [edit]

      over throw.... ONE WORD - overthrow the existing government....

      Add a quote from the document to support your claims.... According to the document [author] _____________________ stated that.....

  20. The most serious issue faced in 18th century society was how the the 1st and 2nd estates treated the 3rd estate. They were treated unfairly because they did not have a title or their bloodline was not. They were also taxed more then then the nobles which was unfair and caused a lot of talking within in the 3rd society.

    1. EDIT - Facing 18th century society.....

      or their bloodline was not of the noble class. The 3rd Estate were also taxed excessively THAN the noble and Church which was.... caused the working and intellectual class to begin discussing change or taking direct rebellious actions.

      ADD a quote from the document to provide support of your claims... According to the {author} _________________________

    2. The most serious issue facing 18th century society was how the the 1st and 2nd estates treated the 3rd estate. They were treated unfairly because they did not have a title or their bloodline was not of the noble class. The 3rd estate were also taxed more than the nobles and the Church which was unfair was hurting them. This caused the working class to begin discussing change or taking rebellious actions. In document 1 Arthur Young wrote"The tallies and feudal dues are crushing us". A woman was complaining about the hard times they were going through and all the money they have to pay because of the taxes.They felt that the taxes were unfair and they were being crushed.

  21. EDIT >>> One major problem......was that people were born into their social and economic status which was based on whether or not an individual was born noble or not.

    Okay.... what wasn't fair? Why was it not fair?

    Also cite your document on how people of the 3rd estate were living .... According to...

  22. the most serious issue in the France society faced in the 18th century was how poorly they treated the 3rd estate. in the political cartoon is shows how the 3rd estate were treated them like animals, tied up on a leash and blind folded shows there lack of power. mean while the 2nd estate is using a wipe and riding on the 3rd estates back like an animal. the 1st estate is holding documents which also shows power.

  23. The most serious issue faced in the 18th century was that the priests and nobles had full control of the peasants because the nobles and the priests were a higher class,they took advantage of the peasants.The peasants had to pay high taxes more than their ability and nobles didn't pay as much.in the image it shows the king and the nobles were sitting on the peasants back while he was chained, blindfolded,and bleeding.The images shows that they have full power over the peasants not caring how they lived or what resources they had and what they didn't.

  24. Considering today's discussions and analysis i think the most serious issue facing 18th century French society is according to Document 1 :( This excerpt is adapted from Travels in France by Arthur Young , who traveled through France from 1787 to 1789) it says " There is injustice in levying the a mount each person must pay .Lands held by nobility are taxed very little." In my owns words it is unfair for 3rd estate to be taxed more than the 2nd estate .

  25. I believe that the most serious issue facing the 18th century was the fact that French society was broken into 3 estates. The 3rd estate included peasants, lawyers, doctors and craftsman. The problem here was that the lower class people were aggravated with this law because you were born into this life your chances were very limited to change it. Most of the money the 3rd estate made went straight to the king. In the political cartoon the 3rd estate was characterized as being treated like animals. The priest and nobles were on top of the 3rd estate. The 3rd estate had a chain around their feet and a rope around their neck showing that they had no power at all. According to Arthur Young the lack of bread was terrible and there were many poor people. This caused great misery, the price of bread has risen above people's ability to pay.

  26. I think the most serious issue facing 18th century French society was that the 3rd were getting taxed heavily while the priests and nobles were getting taxed very little or not at all. According to the image, the priest and the noble are riding the peasant. This shows that the priest and noble are using the peasant like slaves.Another piece of evidence is Travels in France by Arthur Young. He said "The poor people seem very poor indeed.The children are terribly ragged" This shows that the poor people don't have anything. This demonstrates that life in 18th century France was extremely miserable for the 3rd Estate and they most likely were ready to take action.
