Thursday, September 20, 2018

                                    Sir William Wallace - Late 13th Century 

William Wallace risked and sacrificed much as he attempted to stop the Tyranny (abusive/absolute power) of the English King Edward the Longshanks from ruling over the Scottish people.  What are two factors that motivated & inspired William?  Explain why each was a factor in motivating & inspiring him. 


  1. William Wallace's two main inspirations of why he risked and sacrificed so much to stop the tyranny were for the freedom of Scotland since it was conquered by England, and for justice for the innocent people who were killed, including his father. Since William is the son of the Scottish landowner, is basically born from Scotland himself, in 1291 his father was killed in a fight with the English troops. Also innocent Scottish people were killed and enslaved to England including William's wife who was killed.

  2. Well done Randy. Just a note. The killing of William Wallace's wife could be just added into film. We would have to do a little research to find out if that was film drama or truth. But then again not too much is known about William and his family. Much is based on very sparse & inconsistent sources. The story is kind of pieced together over many centuries...but the basic events are what's important...a rebellion by Scottish clans who were outmatched in weaponry horses & numbers. The Scottish clans were fierce fighters who refused to give up their freedom and culture to the tyranny of English imperial power.

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  6. William Wallace's two main inspirations of why he risked and sacrificed so much to stop the tyranny was for the freedom of Scotland and justice for the innocent people who were killed and that includes his father.He also was called out by the English when they murder his wife and his town.

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  8. Two factors that motivated & inspired William was fighting for freedom and getting revenge for his dad and his wife who he married secretely.He wanted Scotland freedom,he wanted to end slavery and end the tyranny.He was tired of seeing many people suffer from the England.His dad was a important factor for Wallace fighting for Scotland freedom, he wanted revenge for his dad who was killed by the English troops and his wife too.-Adrian S

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  11. William Wallace motivation to risk everything to the stop tyranny of the English King Edward was for the freedom of his people and his country also because of the mistreating of his people.

  12. William Wallace's two main inspirations of why he risked and sacrificed so much to stop the tyranny was for the freedom of Scotland and justice for the innocent people who were killed and that includes his father.He also was called out by the English when they murder his wife and his town.

  13. The two factors that motivated William Wallace to fight for Scotland's freedom were that he knows that England is a tyrant and for the justice of his dead father and wife

  14. William Wallace had two main inspirations that fueled him to end tyranny.One of them was the death of his own father Malcolm Wallace in the year of 1921 in a battle with the English.The other inspiration is that he just simply wanted freedom from the English since his land was conquered.

  15. two of the factors that lead William Wallace the death of his father motivated it & they the solider tried to rape his wife & killed her that was when he lost it and couldn't take it anymore

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  17. two factors that motivated and inspired william wallace was that even his father was a scottish land owner, he is basically just born into it. another reason is he was trying to fight for scottlands freedom from england.

  18. One factor that motivated William Wallace was the molestation and death of his wife. the reason this motivated Wallace was because he had to witness it happening to him and not the others: such as the two newlyweds, the wife got taken cause the nobels have first grabs. Another motivation for William was the death of his father and brother. The reason I say this is because the English killed the one thing he cared about when he was little, he might have wanted revenge.

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  20. William Wallace motivation to risk everything to the stop tyranny of the English King Edward was for the freedom of his people and his country also because of the mistreating of his people.

  21. two factors that motivated and inspired Williams Wallace was the freedom of Scotland tyranny from England.He also wanted justice for the innocent people killed like his father. Scottish people were enslaved to people in England including Williams wife.

  22. William as a kid was always inspired by his uncle, he took his advice om using his wits and he always kept that in mind , even when he was a boy he wanted to help get their freedom for their land , he was also really devastated when his wife got killed. when the time came to fight the tyranny so he teamed up with other clans and united and motivated them into fighting for their land

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  24. One thing that I think motivated William to stop the tyranny was when the English soldier slit his wife's throat. The second thing that motivated him was his desire for him and his country to be free and not controlled by another country

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  26. Two factors that motivated William Wallace to fight was for Scotland's freedom were that he knew that England was a tyrant and for the justice of his dead father and wife

  27. Two factors that inspired wallace are when they killed his wife, he wanted revenge and to stop all the bull shit they were doing like taking the king wife and let the english be the first one to do sexual things to her. Another motivation he got was when his father was killed and his brother left him in the area and him seeing the english taking advantage over the territories, so he decide to fight for his clan and for the people.

  28. Two factors that motivated Williams Wallace was his uncle who took care of him after his father died in an attack.Ever since he was growing up he's always wanted freedom for his land . Once his wife died due to getting killed by the English. I also think this also had motivated him , he had built an alliance with other clans and defeated the English.

  29. William as a kid was already inspired which motivated him to risked and sacrificed to stop the Tyranny due to his father was killed. His uncle took in charge of him. Also inspired for the freedom of Scotland since it was conquered by england people who treated scottish people like slaves.

  30. Two important factors that motivated William Wallace were ; 1. Gain the freedom of Scotland from England .
    2. William wanted justice for all the innocent people of scotland who were treated poorly / enslaved.

  31. many conflicts occurs back in the day. even today now. as a blogger i can say that william wallace is no different then us. He was a human before death conflicted by political society.

  32. also wars,and resources in scarcity

  33. Two factors that motivated & inspired William was the murder of his wife, he loved his wife and she was suppose to make it to safety with him but the English got her and sliced her throat, so because of this William knew he had to do everything to avenge her death and make sure this does not happen to any of his people. Another factor that motivated & inspired William was the fact that he did not want his people hurt and did not want to see what happened in the movie of the newly weds to happen to any other, he knew he had to get revenge of the English hurting a good party and going away to rape the woman who was suppose to be clean for her husband and make her taken away what her and her husband day was suppose to be in the nighttime. This gave William the need to protect Scottish parties and save woman from being rape or worst.

  34. One factor that motivated William Wallace to fight the tyranny was that as a child, the English killed his father and many other innocent people. According to the film, it shows us how the death of his father impacted him. He was really young when all this happened. William Wallace saw how bad his people were being treated. Another possible reason that might have motivated him to fight was the death of his wife. The film showed us how the English tried to abuse of her and since she defended herself they ended up killing her. Finding out about this might have motivated him even more to fight against the tyranny.

  35. Two factors that motivated & inspired William Wallace was he wanted freedom for his land, willing to give up his life for the freedom of others. Also, the death of his wife motivated him to finish what he started.

  36. Two factors that motivated William Wallace to stop the Tyranny from the English King Edward the Longshanks was 1. He probably felt the need to get revenge back on his
    fathers death 2. He wanted to end the abusive power from the Longshanks they had towards the Scottish people and wanted to free the enslaved.

  37. Two factors that inspired and motivated William Wallace was his wife's death and justice for the innocent people that were getting killed. When he was a kid his farther got killed, these two factors gives him motivation to fight for freedom and justice.

  38. william wallace motivation to risk everything was to stop the tyranny of the english because they were trying to conquer the land and mistreat the scotish people which are william wallace men and women. Another motivation was when his father was killed and his brother left him.

  39. William had a great weight being on his back because of his father dying when he was a kid , and him having to leave his hometown. He felt like that he had a mission to protect his people the way his dad was to do.

  40. William Wallace was motivated of his wife death, she was killed for protecting herself from the English. And also freedom from the tyranny people were force to do things they didn't want to do especially the women.
