Monday, April 15, 2019

The Padrone Giovanni (son of Alfredo Senior) began to describe the Italian farm laborers as nothing but Bolsheviks & dirty communists.  He began to tell his people that we need to look at these "Bolsheviks" in the same way the Catholic Church viewed the Saracens (Muslims) who invaded Jerusalem or like the Mongols under Genghis Khan who invaded all of Asia and parts of Europe over 1000 years ago.

He also stated that the Padrone class (landowners) needed to have just as severe a response as the Catholic Church did with the Saracen Muslims during the "Holy Crusades" and be determined to wipe them out.

Why do you think Giovanni felt it was best to paint this type of demeaning & foreign image of the Italian farm laborers - aka Peasants ?

What was his goal or objective? In other words what did Giovanni want his fellow Padrone landowners to think when they considered the peasant classes that began organizing & resisting?

What are the possible effects or consequences of his aggressive argument or perspective?


  1. Giovanni wanted everyone to go against the peasants, so he did it to make the peasants look bad and I feel like he did that cause he thought they would take over. Giovanni wanted to vilify the peasants.

    1. Giovanni wanted the other Pardone Landowners to go against the peasant class because he wanted to make them look bad, he maybe felt like they could gain more power. His goal was to get the landowning class against them. One possible consequence for his aggressive argument that they will cause a war between them and they are gonna start killing them.

  2. Giovanni wanted to make the peasants look bad and tried to vilify them because I think he felt if they could over power him his class would be hurt & lose everything. So he tried to get the landowning class against them so they wouldn't have more power & continue to challenge the land owners

  3. Giovanni wanted the other Padrones to stand against the peasants & tried to vilify the peasants ,so he can build an army against them because I believe he was scared that they were going to take over.

    1. Giovanni felt it was best to paint this type of demeaning & foreign image of the Italian farm laborers and wanted the other Padrones to stand against the peasants. So,Giovanni tried to vilify the peasants. As well as vilifying the peasants , he was also trying to build an army against the Italian Laborers by making a collection of using the other Padrones money. So,they identified themselves as Crusaders. Furthermore , Giovanni led the other Padrones to think that the Italian Laborers were going to take over the land because of organizing and resisting. Overall, the Padrones were worried about it and started to become militant. Giovanni dehumanized the peasants so that it wouldn't seem like a big deal to kill the Peasants.In conclusion, the cause and affect will be the Crusaders VS. Peasants.

  4. Giovanni wanted to make it look like the peasants were taking over so that he could vilify them and build a sort of army against them even though the peasants don't have the same resources as the padrones

    he might be afraid that they're going to take over.

  5. Giovanni wanted to make the peasants look bad and tried to vilify them because I think he felt if they could over power him his class would be hurt & lose everything. So he tried to get the landowning class against them so they wouldn't have more power & continue to challenge the land owners.

  6. Padrone Giovanni stared to painted a image of the Italian farm laborers as dirty communist because he felt threaten by them that they will get together and go against the higher class.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Giovanni wanted to make the rich people feel like they are have more power than the peasants. He realized that the peasants came together and stoped them from overtaking thier land.

    1. Giovanni and the other padrone's gathered in the church to find a way to solve their problem with the peasent. I think Giovanni wants to build an army to send the kill or run away all of the peasants on the farm land. The peasants camed together as one to save their land, also the contract they had with the landowners wasnt up, so they weren't going to leave like the others. The money that everyone in the church contributed was to start an army. Alfredo walked out on his father becuase he didnt agree with the choice that was made.

    2. Giovanni's intention and aspectation for the peasants was very low. he feels like he can over power them.

  9. Giovanni wanted to make higher class people treat lower class people like they have no power.He was scared they were going to take over.

  10. Giovanni wanted the rich to feel more powered against the working class/peasants. He try to put an imagine into peoples head that the working class was going to take over their land and empowered their own

  11. The Padrone Giovanni wanted to make sure that his people maintained the power that they already had. He had also noticed how the peasants worked harder and better when they were together. The idea of communism also made the landowners feel threatened because their land would now belong to the entire population (all land and materials are to be distributed equally among the entire population.

    1. I believe that Giovanni's goal is to get rid of the peasants entirely. He truly believes that the people of the working class will eventually try to kill him and his people due to the fact that they are not getting what they want. When reacting this way towards something, it is possible to make mistakes and just do things out of anger. The Padrone is not thinking about how his land is going to be run without the people there.

  12. giovanni wanted the upper class take over the peasant land just to feel like they have more power.he also saw that the working class came together and stood them off.Giovanni wanted his own people to take over their own land and see themselves as doing god's work to remove these barbaric people.

  13. Giovanni wanted the upper class to see the farm laborers as barbaric people so they would then be willing to destroy them because the laborers are no longer seen as human. His intention is to take away their humanity.

  14. Giovanni feels as though the peasants arent as important as the upper class and he wants that to be known. He also wants the upper class to get richer and the peasants to know that theyre the superior.

  15. Giovanni feels as though the peasants arent as important as the upper class and he wants that to be known.
    Furthermore,Giovanni had the goal of making the socialsts/communists out to be like a disease or virus that needed to be stopped. Giovanni's goal is to make sure that he takes away the humanity of the farm workers so that when the violence starts the landowners will not morally hesitate to injure or kill He also wants the upper class to get richer and the peasants to know that they're the superior. The consquences of Giovanni's violent rhetoric is that the violence he spoke will spread and have no end until thousands if not millions of people persihed and suffered

    1. Giovanni's purpose of telling his people (landowners) that the peasants are foreign and plan on taking over is so that he can have them agree to building an army and take over the peasants.The possible effects of this can be war or a huge masacre.

  16. Why do you think Giovanni felt it was best to paint this type of demeaning & foreign image of the Italian farm laborers - aka Peasants ?
    -i think giovannni made them look bad because he wanted them to beg or he wanted everyone in the community to hate the peasants.
    What was his goal or objective? In other words what did Giovanni want his fellow Padrone landowners to think when they considered the peasant classes that began organizing & resisting?
    - giovanni goals was to kill all the peasants because he was afraid that the peasants were going to take over and kill the upper class for not being fair
    What are the possible effects or consequences of his aggressive argument or perspective?
    -the peasants now hate him and want to take over so now they can never get along

  17. Giovanni wanted to paint the laborers as cruel and malicious people because he felt as though they were plotting to take over and he didn't want to lose his place as an upper hand man. He proceeded to convince the other Padrones that they needed to be the new crusaders and build a militia against the laborers. On the other hand Giovanni's son Alfredo didn't agree with his fathers remarks which led him to side with the peasants and laborers. A possible consequence is war and fighting between the Padrones and peasants and maybe losing lives as collateral.

    1. Giovanni began to dehumanize the peasants so that killing them wont seem like a big deal

  18. Giovanni decided to paint a very dark and demeaning perspective of the farm laborers because he hated them and feared they would take over their land and property. Giovanni's objective was to convince his fellow landowners that they were more powerful and had a right to take aggressive action against the peasants and prepare their minds to begging slaughtering the peasant class. One possible effect of Giovanni's aggressive argument will lead to them taking major actions to the peasants. He wants to get ready to kill them if they have too.

  19. Giovanni wanted to paint the laborers as cruel and malicious people because he felt as though they were plotting to take over and he didn't want to lose his place as an upper hand man. He proceeded to convince the other Padrones that they needed to be the new crusaders and build a militia against the laborers. Giovanni began to dehumanize the laborers and peasants so that killing them wont seem like such a big deal. On the other hand Giovanni's son Alfredo didn't agree with his fathers remarks which led him to side with the peasants and laborers. A possible consequence is war and fighting between the Padrones and peasants and maybe losing lives as collateral.

  20. Giovanni felt it was the best way to implement these ideas to put fear into his people that they are going to be taken over by the Communist & Bolsheviks,he wanted to paint a picture that these farmers and workers are coming to take over their land as the Muslims took over Jerusalem.Giovanni goal was to get the Padrones to get together and take over their land as the Crusaders did in Jerusalem, for that reason he wanted to paint a picture that these peasants are those Muslims, this allowed to be guilt-free that Giovanni people are doing god's work. Even so this kind of ideology causes more conflicts, the people will be outraged, this is the reason they are fighting for, unfair balance and having no morals, treating them like scums. This kind of ideology doesn't last long due to this is the reason the people rose up, but people will be slaughtered and put in jail, it's a hard price to pay for freedom.

  21. I believe Giovanni painted this negative picture of the ''Peasants'' because he wanted to empower the padrone class , because he felt as though the peasants were plotting to take over and he didn't want to lose his power or property. There were many more pesants that padrones and this became a huge threat.

    Giovanni's goal was to make sure that his land owning friends began to view the pesants as less than human and no better than animals so that they would be ready to injure and kill members of the pesant class.

    I believe the consquences of Giovanni's aggressive language against the pesants will be that the padrones or fascist minded people will begin using weapons to kill the pesants and may get to the point of a genocide.

  22. I think that Giovanni created the negative view for the peasants to show they are low lives making it seem like they are no good.He did this so the peasants wouldn't try to take over and they would think less of themselves.

  23. I think Giovanni created a very negative view of the peasants because he wanted his land owner friends to see the peasants as low lives and a threat to their security. The goal of Giovanni was to provoke the padrones so that they would wipe the workers out because he felt threatened by the power of the socialist peasants.

    I think the consequences will be the padrones arming up and getting ready to take out or wipe out the peasants because of the fact that they are strong in numbers and the padrones don't want them to take their land.
